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Georg Schweisfurth

Richard Reichelt

Symbiotic agriculture in animal husbandry means the coexistence of different animal species for mutual benefit. The concept was developed by Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth. The trained butcher first founded the large-scale butchery Herta. The increasing industrialisation was not without consequences for the passionate butcher. He sold the business, used the money to set up a charitable foundation and created the Hermannsdorfer Landwerkstätten and Gut Sonnenhausen.

In 1997 his son Georg Schweisfurth founded the organic supermarket chain basic, he is on the supervisory board of Greenpeace Germany, a trustee of the Schweisfurth Foundation, operator of Gut Sonnenhausen and a successful book author.

Georg will be at the wonderful Restaurant 1811 in Charlottenburg, owner and chef Richard Reichelt will prepare a great menu to match the theme. Exciting stories by Georg Schweisfurth and exciting food by Richard Reichelt will guaranty a remarkable evening.

  • Tue. 7.11.
  • 5-course-menu, aperitif and accompaniment wine
  • Restaurant 1811
  • Schlüterstraße 55 | 10629 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7 pm
  • 165,-


Artischockenboden Bergkäse

Restaurant 1811

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