
Benvenuto Dario Cecchini

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Dario Cecchini

The world star butcher at “To The Bone“

According to the New York Times, he is the most famous butcher in the world. Netflix dedicated one episode in the series “Chef’s table” to him and thus contributed significantly to this rum. However, Dario Cecchini’s personality is unquestionably the main reason for his fame. He is an extremely likable and amusing individual. Humorous and charismatic. That makes him an outstanding host and an entertainer in his own business. People like him, which is something he uses to his advantage by “whispering” the right messages to them.

He is one of the most significant and influential advocates of the “from nose to tail philosophy”, which tells us that there are just no precious parts in the animal and that everything must be used equally. In addition, he believes that, as it is now scientifically proven, animals must live happy lives in order to produce truly delicious meat.

The BSE crisis, which devastated Cecchinis little family farm in Tuscany, marked a turning point in his life. The traditional Fiorentina meal Bistecca della Fiorentina was no longer available since beef was first disapproved and later bone marrow consumption was banned. Dario Cecchini’s thus carried the Fiorentina to its grave while receiving media attention via Panzano’s narrow streets. After five years, the traditional meal was authorized again, and Cecchini became well-known. He entered official mourning. In his joy, he opened the Officina della Bistecca above the family butcher shop.  Since then, people have traveled from all over the world to enjoy one of Cecchinis bistecca.

However, we bring the Grand Master to us so you don’t have to travel to Tuscany. On two evenings.  By the way, the restaurant To The Bone in Torstraße serves the meat all year long.

  • Tue. 1.11.
  • 6-course menu with accompanying wines
  • To The Bone
  • Torstraße 96 | 10119 Berlin
  • Admission: 6.30 pm | Start: 7.00 pm
  • 125,-

 Amodio Iezza, Giacomo Mannucci & Matthias Rainer © Romy Kaa

To The Bone Interior © Yasemine Bergens

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