
Mania di Tartufo!

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Massimo Ferradino & Jörg Behrend

Truffle Festival at La Banca with Head Chef Jörg Behrend and Expert Massimo Ferradino

The truffle is, in the most literal sense of the word, a “hidden champion”. Only experienced truffle hunters know where to find il tartufo, la truffe or la trufa in the forests of Italy, France and Spain. Although the popular mind still envisions truffle pigs as doing the dirty work, it is in fact primarily trained truffle dogs in action nowadays, as they can smell the fine bulbs even when stashed beneath stones or poplars. But with a soil-covered Alba or Périgord truffle sitting there in front of you, you might not immediately divine just how coveted this humble but fragrant sac fungi is. But it‘s true, fans from around the world clamor for this wonderful and luxurious foodstuff.

We at eat! berlin live to serve, so we’ve prepared an entire evening at the Hotel de Rome dedicated to the fabled little lumps. Jörg Behrend has planned a 6-course truffle menu in La Banca restaurant: “The beautiful thing is that you can use truffles to make a familiar classic recipe into a delicacy,” the executive chef gushes. One favorite at La Banca is the “Stramme Max,” a classic German egg-and-ham sandwich – here prepared with the finest Italian culatello ham, homemade bread, organic eggs and white truffles. For his truffle menu, Jörg Behrend is planning raviolis with oxtail and black truffles and Bresse chicken with lardo, celery root and Franconian Bohemian truffles, among other dishes. “There will also be a dessert of pralines with truffle,” Behrendt promises.

Massimo Ferradino is Berlin‘s truffle expert, and will be at the chef’s side on this evening. He is tasked with enlightening guests on the various secrets of this noble fungi and reporting on the complicated hunt for truffles, innovations in cultivating truffles and on various truffle types, including their aromatic and intensity profiles. His firm Tartufo del Re has been bringing truffles to Berlin for seven years now, with products from various regions of his Italian home, including Piedmont, Umbria and Emiglia Romana. Many of Berlin‘s finest restaurants rely on his deliveries. Award-winning chefs such as Stephan Hentschel from Cookies Cream and Arne Acker from Pauly Saal are among his regular customers. In October 2017, Ferradino began selling selected truffles two days a week at Markthalle Neun in Kreuzberg.

The truffle festival will be accompanied by wines from Piedmont, the home of the famous Alba truffle, the perfect match to the intensive aromas of the dishes.

  • Th. 1.3.
  • 6-course truffle menu with accompanying wines
  • Restaurant La Banca | Hotel de Rome
  • Behrenstraße 37 | 10117 Berlin
  • Admission: 6:30 pm | Start: 7:00 pm
  • 159,-

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