
City, Country, River

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Christopher Kümper

Markus Langer

Gunter Künstler

A…..: D City: Dresden; A…..: R Country: Rheingau; A…..: S River: Spree

These terms were the result of our city, country, river game which we build an entire evening around.

Our guest chef Marcus Langer comes from Dresden where he is head chef of the restaurant Atelier Sanssouci. With one Michelin star and seven Gusto pans, he is a great connoisseur of French cuisine.

From the Rheingau, we will be welcoming visionary winemaker Gunter Künstler. In 1988, at the age of only 19, he joined his parents’ winery VDP.Estate Künstler. With a lot of experience and knowledge, the likable winemaker now cultivates 42 hectares. His quality peaks are to be found in Pinot Noir and Riesling. But Chardonnay and his Sauvignon Blanc also regularly put a smile on our faces.

The Spree is our home turf. Here the “Shooting Star of the Year 2017” and our friend Christopher Kümper cooks on the beautiful restaurant ship PATIO. Right on the bank, floating on the Spree. None other than radioeins presenter Sven Oswald will moderate the evening – it will all be S as splendid!

There are two time slots available. Please choose your preferred time when booking.

  • Sa. 11.11.
  • 5-course-menu with accompanying wines
  • PATIO Restaurant am Wasser
  • Ecke Kirchstraße / Helgoländer Ufer 13a | 10557 Berlin
  • First time slot: 5 pm champagne reception, 5:30 pm start menu
  • 189,-
  • Sa. 11.11.
  • 5-course-menu with accompanying wines
  • PATIO Restaurant am Wasser
  • Ecke Kirchstraße / Helgoländer Ufer 13a | 10557 Berlin
  • Second time slot: 7:30 pm champagne reception, 8 pm start menu
  • 189,-

PATIO Restaurant am Wasser Außenansicht

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