
Big in Berlin

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Herbert Beltle © Amin Akhtar
Maria Groß

Size does indeed matter

Everyone marvels at and looks up to big people – maybe we just presume it‘s easy for them to keep an eye over things. Yes, big people have it easy… at least in the minds of short people. Everyday life, however, is not so kind: it can be hard to find the clothing that fit, low doorways are a potential hazard and then there‘s the ever-annoying questions of “how‘s the weather up there?” The same dynamic applies in daily restaurant life for the big boys of the wine bottle world – the magnums (1.5 liters), double magnums (3 liters), Balthazars (12 liters) and Solomons (20 liters). Yes, these giant glass jugs make for a nice bit of show, but practically speaking they are rarely actually uncorked.

This evening is different. Herbert Beltle, director of Rotisserie Weingrün, Altes Zollhaus and Aigner am Gendarmenmarkt, will be dusting off the big boys. Guests will be treated to rare pours that, in many cases, have been sleeping peacefully for years in the cellars precisely because of their prodigious sizings.

The guest chef for the evening is a biggie in her field as well, and not just because her name means ‚large‘ in German: Maria Groß from Bachstelze restaurant in Erfurt was the first and, up until 2016, the only female Michelin star chef from the eastern part of Germany.

She will be supported by the rotisserie team from the Restaurant an der Friedrichsgracht, who are old hands at turning Berlin‘s finest roast chicken and Duroc pork bellies on their impressive flame grill. As befits the theme, hefty chunks of meat will be landing on the skewers on this night. Whole suckling pig and bountiful rib-eye steaks are prime suspects, but these grillmeisters love their work and are open to experimentation. Maybe it‘s time to see whether an entire swordfish will fit on the spit. Gesumino Pireddu, known as the “Master of the Knife,” will be butchering the beasts. During his time as the maître at Margaux, he wowed guests aplenty with his skill with filleting and carving blades. He is one of the great artisans of his craft, and in 2017 earned our “Förderer der Genusskultur” (Champion of Gourmet Culture) award.

Big is beautiful on this night, including for our guests: All female guests 1.80 meters and above and all male guests topping 1.90 meters will receive a special gift. A big gesture for big guests, on a big evening, right?


  • Sa 24.2.
  • Giant menu with accompanying wines
  • Rotisserie Weingrün
  • Gertraudenstraße 10 | 10178 Berlin
  • Admission: 6:30 pm | Start: 7:00 pm
  • 99,-

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